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- AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz__
- Sorry, can't have more than 255 scrite codes.
- Sorry, not enough memory to load this file. Try turning off memory cache with the Control Panel desk accessory.
- File not found.
- Problem opening this file.
- Sorry, you can't load color documents. Contact MacroMind for more information.
- Accelerator movie is out of date:
- Accelerator movie is too big for this monitor:
- Set monitor to
- Could not load all the sounds for Accelerator movie:
- Not enough memory to load Accelerator movie:
- Unknown Accelerator error
- colors for
- -- Globals Variables --
- -- XObject Factories --
- -- Macro Factories --
- -- Local Variables --
- -- No Local Variables --
- -- Instance Variables --
- ---- %d Entries
- <Null>
- <NoValue>
- <CObject:%x>
- <Object:%x>
- <Boolean:%x>
- <Cmd:%x>
- <Keyw:%x>
- <Cast:%x>
- <Msg:%x>
- -- Can not Describe, resource file is closed
- -- Factory: %p Id:%d
- -- Resource files: current=%d sound=%d app=%d
- ---- doc=%d shared=%d
- -- Res: %16p Type: %4p Id:%5d Home: %d
- -- XLibraries: